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sri guru dattavadhut ashrama, sri kshetra dodderi. challakere, chitradurga.

««Sri padarajam sharanam prapadhye»»

paramahamsa sadguru rajayogi sri sat upasi
sri sat upasi
    blessed are those who served lord datta when he reincarnated as sripada vallabha, sri narasimha saraswati and sri shirdi sai baba. The lord has reincarnated again as paramahamsa sadguru sri satupasi, fondly called as "Appaji" (Father). Appaji gently uplifts us from the worldly miseries and guides us to cross the barriers of Lust, Anger, Green, Delusion, Ego and jealousy. How blessed are we!

sri satupasi

     Appaji, with his powerful teachings that are simple and easily understandable, has been spreading the message of love to humanity all over the world incessantly. Appa is a Bramhagnani (an enlightened soul), firmly established in the universol consciousness. Appa with a simple and innocent look remains silent most of the times and enlightens the devotees when the time is ripe. whenever a true devotee calls him with devotion from anywhere in the world, Appa's presence is felt. when appa speaks to his devotees with his charming and simple dialect, the philosophical truths flow out of him with brilliant splendor to the amazement of his listeners. With a mere look, he transforms the devotees internally and prepares them for the divine journey.
sri satupasi

     Appa has written hundreds of devotional songs, Vachanas (hymns) and tattva padas (philosophical sayings) in kannada. Being in the presence of appa itself is a great spiritual experience and joy. Appa's devotees are having great spiritual experience continously. But, Appa still doesn't take credit for any of this. He siply says, "see, how gracious and king the lord is! How much HE loves you! What blessings and grace He has poured upon you. Isn't it your duty to pay back his debt by constantly remembering HIM with foundness and gratitude? Do this and become his pet child. Don't let go of this opportunity".

     Appaji is the very personification of boundless and unconditional love.

sri satupasi

sri guru kanneshwara

tripurambike devi

    Appa lives in sri datta avadhoota ashrama in the village sri kshetra Dodderi in the state of karnataka, india. The ashrama located in a beautiful location amidst nature. There are paddy fields all around the ashram, making it the most beautiful place. paddy and other vegetable cultivation is taken up regularly by ashram devotees as one of the sevas, under the direct supervision of Appaji for Annadana.

    devotees from all walks of life visit the ashram and render various services in the divine presence of Sri Sadguru Appa.

Festivals and Functions:

    Apart from many small celebrations, four main celebrations take place in the Ashram in a grand way, namely, Maha shiva ratri, Guru purnima, Sri pada vallabha jayanti (Ganesh Chaturti), Sri datta jayanti. These functions take place with a spectacular flower decoration under the auspicious presence of sri sadguru Appa accompanied  by melodious musical instruments and dance.

During these celebrations, the chariot festival is also celebrated which is something that no one can afford to miss. The charriot, that is 23 feet high will be decorated and pulled by hundreds of devotees, goes around the ashram with lord dattatreya, showering blessings to all.

Accommodation and food is provided freely to devotees who visit ashram from all over the world.


     Ashram has published many books and CDs. Titles of few of them are,

  • In Depth Of God Experience.
  • Light Everywhere.
  • sripada sri vallabha divya charitamruta.
  • Mahadashcharya.
  • Jnaana nidhi (kannada and telugu)
  • Ghanaanubhavasara.
  • Bhagavadashcharya.
  • Sugnaana Sampadhbharita.
  • Shivaanugraha.
  • Paratatwamruta. Etc...

Contact information:

Email:  sayemdeva@gmail.com
phone:  +919448414669

  Sri Datta Avadhuta Ashrama
Sri Kshetra Dodderi Village & Post
Challakere Taluk, Chitradurga Dist,
Karnataka -577522. India.


Google map click here..

Ashram is located about 207km from Bangalore. The nearest international airport is bangalore.

    From Bangalore, take National Highways (NH4) to Hiriyur via Tumkur and Sira. In Hiriyur, take deviation towards (SH-19) Bellary. Travel 43KM to reach Challakere. From Challakere circle, take pavagada road, travel 7KM and take right for Ashram at Dodderi village.

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