What is spiritual achievement? Here is a full description of the achievement.
- You can write pages about the achievement. In short, the achievement is to surrender ourselves fully to God, manifest the divinity within us, and bring out the conflicts of love and peace. It is not just about meditating.
- In practice we bring immobility to our bodies. Then we raise our awareness, expand it, and experience divinity. Then everything is possible.
- Through meditation, we can intensify our achievement by enhancing our efforts to cultivate positive qualities, and by increasing reading skills and experiences.
- We must have a goal in the tool.Achievement may have several objectives. But achieving perfection should be the main goal.
- There are different levels of achievement. These include preparation; Purification; Silencing Raising awareness to higher levels of consciousness; And to experience the grave. It takes a lot of time and patience and perseverance for all of this to happen. The real achievement begins when we reach the state of the grave experience.
- We can accomplish all of these in one lifetime. But for that, we must intensify our achievement by bringing out divinity at all levels, as we spend more. Intuitively, introspectively, and most importantly, divinity must be manifested through us.
- The unsettling fact is that an angel or ghost cannot help much in guiding us in achievement. They have their own limitations and they cannot guide us to the end. Only a Guru or Mahatma can lead us to the last hour.
- We cannot control our dreams. Dreams are born of our unrequited desire. If there is no desire then there are no dreams. The dream is an experience of our mind.
- When we know that we are aspects of the Lord, when we see what is needed to be accomplished, if only we know what is. What we know is just at the level of intelligence. We must experience firsthand that we are God.
- When we establish contact with the Guru or Mahatma, we can say that we have taken a great step in achievement.
- The most important need for achievement is self-awareness and the effort we make for self-transformation.
- Lack of love is the most important thing that can hinder our achievement.
- We have a strategy to learn about ancestors. By practicing that technique, we can learn about our past. But in this way, the guru or mahatma tells the story of our ancestors to the right time and to the extent that we understand our achievement.
- How easy it is to get down on a device. No attempt is required to descend. But to rise up requires all our effort.
- The correct age to start the sadhana is 12 years because the karma of the individual is running and his whole body is completely unable to function. Since these things start from the age of seven, then the correct age to start the feat is 7 years.
- If we do not make the right effort, no progress will be made.
- Their 'ego' is the main reason why people do not take up or make progress. In addition, karmas, bonds and worldly interests come across as achievements.
- If someone harms us or hurts us, we have angry thoughts and feelings. Raise your emotions to a higher level to cope with these. Earn love.
- Going out of nowhere can balance worldly and spiritual life.
- Not only does singing and rhythm contribute to achievement, they also lead us into a frenzy. We have to walk past this point. To grow spiritually, we must gather the energies, purify our bodies, burn our karmas, elevate our consciousness, and experience the Lord firsthand.
- From our inter-voice to our progress, we know that we are on the right path.
- It is enough to make us humble, knowing that we are merely droplets in this vast Jyothi Ocean, and that there is an amazing force behind this well-established beautiful creation.
- We are born with innocence. Growing up and losing it. As we cleanse our emotions and thoughts, we reach our original state of innocence.
- Celebrate the truth, cultivate detachment, and practice meditation as well as introverts.
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